Sunday, July 28, 2002, 2:25:12 PM, you wrote:

JR>> Sudip is right though - both 2000 and 2001 need manual
JR>> configuration
JR>> of The Bat to scan mail. I cannot see how email scanning
JR>> will occur if
JR>> this is not done.

KLc>    As I said, I *did* tell Nav that I was using an "other" email
KLc>    client, and it did scan incoming email, little envelopes in
KLc> the
KLc>    system tray and all. What I didn't have to do was touch TB at
KLc> all.
KLc>    Norton handled everything itself. All I had to do was turn
KLc> email
KLc>    scanning "on". That's it. :) 

You know it seems to me that it might depend what OS you
are running .. I never had to do anything with NT, but
have begun to suspect that my mail isn't being directly
scanned in Win2kPro ...

In NT Norton put a line in the hosts file, but he didn't
put one in this one.

But I never had to change TB config with NT ..


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED]         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2

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