Greetings Joe!

On Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 23:14:43 GMT -0500 (which was 9:14 PM where you think I 
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

JF> Tuesday, August 08, 2000, 9:40:27 PM, phil, wrote:

JF> [...]
p>>>> Actually Henry Ford was a Genius, even though he only had 3 months(or was that 
years?) of education, he Thought and then created what he wanted, He stuck to
p>>>> his guns, and made a decision and stuck to it.

JF>>> Yeah, he "stuck with it" until Chevy came out with cars in any color
JF>>> you wanted!

JF>>> Yes, ol' Henry was a genius alright, that's why today you can buy Fords in any 
JF>>> you want, too.


p>> Wasn't talking about colors, I was talking about the V8.

JF> I know, Phil, I was just agreeing with you on how smart Henry really
JF> was.

JF> If anyone ever knew the consumer well, it was ol' Henry Ford.
It had nothing to do with any consumer, it was his idea being materialized.

JF>>> With all due respect, Phil, that's just not true.

JF>>> We would have had V-8s one way or the other.
Not as a V8 single engine block!

p>> Wrong.   Do some research, there was no V8 cast into a single block,
p>> the engineers said it could not be done.  Ford said, I want it and I'll have it.

JF> Phil, whether Ford wanted it or not, it would have eventually been built.

JF> Just like the V-10s, V-12s, etc. were eventually built.
The V10/V12 have no bearing on the success story of Henry Ford, he was the first to 
have a V8 Single Block, the V10/V12 were different engines for a
different purpose like the Bugatti (1927 Italian of which I am very familiar)  and 
they were Straight 12; Different Time; Different Country.

JF> People are always in search of the better mouse trap -- and the faster
JF> car.  It's what makes the world go round.
If your saying that the creation of a V8 Single Block is what motivated Henry 

JF> I'm sorry that you don't realize this, but then again, it's not
JF> surprising, considering who your role models are.
The role models I have all have a common secret.  Either you are ignoring this because 
of you wish to flame me or you do no understand what that
secret is even though I have tried to explain it.  I am not convinced which it is, but 
you have not asked me who my role models are so how in gods
name can you make such an arrogant statement, as though you know who they are.  Would 
you like to enlighten me as to what MY THOUGHTS from MY MIND
ARE?  If you were thinking anything other than Henry Ford, Wilbur Wright, John D. 
Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnigie etc, then you are wrong
and you can't read my mind.     There are  more, perhaps you can read my mind and put 
words in my mouth and fill in the rest of them?  They all have
one thing in common. Do you know what that is?

p>>>> In regards to different strokes for different folks, well some folks are going 
to be successful be cause they Think, others are doomed to failure by what
p>>>> they think.     The river is two sided, one goes up to success, and the part 
most people get stuck in goes down to failure.

JF>>> That's absolutely brilliant, Phil.

JF>>> It's lucky for me that I'm already pretty damn successful, I suppose,
JF>>> eh?

p>> You wont be very successful very long if you do not think.

JF> But I do think, therefore I'm lucky.

Luck has ZERO to do with success.  Success is planned.

JF>>> Yep, it was just my luck.

p>> Luck can change really fast.

JF> True.  But you can't fix stupid, can you?

I never said anything about anyone being stupid.  I said that Henry Ford had roughly 
three years of education and It wasn't LUCK that created the V8.  He
had specialized knowledge, this specialized knowledge, along with desire, faith and 
persistence is what created the V8 Single Block Engine!  Henry Ford
would have created nothing if he had to do it on his own.   If you really want to get 
down to an IQ test--yes Henry Ford was stupid if measured by the
current or even the PAST education system.  This system is flawed since it doesn't 
teach success.  If you think I am just in a flame war with you your
wrong, I've only stated my opinion and tried to help you understand Why I agreed with 
Steve.  I don't always agree with steve and I hope nobody else does
either.  Fact the last dealing with Steve I had was rather unhappy with Alex 
--leaving.  Just because I agree with him on this one issue doesn't mean I
am taking sides.  If you go back and read everything I said with an open mind you'll 
see that I am not trying to fight with you.  However I do see things
from a different point of view than folks who quit and blame things on everything else 
do.  I can't go back. It's an awareness that has woken up inside.

JF>>> Better to be lucky than "smart," eh?

p>> Better to be successful than lucky.

JF> Better yet, to be successful and lucky, eh?

p>> Success doesn't come from luck.

JF> Sure it does, and more times than we'd all like to admit.

p>>  It comes from well planed thoughts.

JF> Many well-planned thoughts turn out to be huge mistakes, Phil.

That's exactly when most give up and ride the river to the poor house.  This is the 
whole point I am trying to make.  He didn't give up because he was
persistent, and had the desire to get to the result of his goal.

p>> Ford was a success because he applied the principles of success.  One of these is 
desire, 'knowing what one wants.'

JF> For every Henry Ford who applied his "principles of success," there are a
JF> thousand failures.

And every one wasn't willing to risk everything to get what they wanted either.   And 
yes they failed because they gave up because of their fears.
Henry Ford HAD no fear.   He was unwilling to accept temporary defeat.  The thousand 
failures you speak of are those who ARE willing to accept defeat
because of their fears.

p>>>> As far as the formatting question I totally agree with Steve's response.

JF>>> That's certainly your prerogative, Phil, but I think I'll stand my
JF>>> own ground, if you don't mind.

JF>>> BTW, have Smart Little Stevie show you how to wrap your lines, okay?

JF>>> My neck is sore from trying to read them.

p>> Sounds like you've got a problem, try some Ben-Gay.

JF> Actually, Phil, I think I'll have a few swigs of Booker's bourbon
JF> instead and try to forget this day ever happened.

JF> I urge you to do the same thing.
Wouldn't it be easier to just apologize?

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