Dear Jan, 

 --->>> Jan Rifkinson / Montag, 18.02.2002, 02:17:52
        mystery messages

Msg below I've send two times to this list - but nothing arrives. I've
checked Online - nothing there. I've send a test mail - it arrived
immediately! So here it is again the paranoia and therefore I'm
sending it a third time ;-( 

Let's see if it arrives.

> X - OB Notification

> Just recently I have sent a couple of msgs out to a Yahoo group.
> Although these msgs are delivered & appear on their server & are
> d/led to my machine, I also get an error stating that my msg cannot
> be delivered to 'kat[at]' (which I haven't used to the best
> of my knowledge).

I don't know what I should think of but let me say I had in some cases
the same experience. Let me take an example of Jan 19. 2002:

  I've posted a msg to a group on that day at 8:15. The msg reached
  the ML at Yahoogroups. But about 1h later I got a msg back saying

===><======------ return-msg quote
> The original message was received at Sat, 19 Jan 2002 08:22:07 +0000
> from
>    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> <mike[at]>
>     (expanded from: <mike[at]>)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> mail.local: unknown name: mike
> 550 <mike[at]>... User unknown
===><======------ /return-msg quote/

  I've never send my msg to 'mike[at]'! So I was
  wondering to what this should be.

  But, you know Jan, I'm not very much worrying about it. If 'big or
  bad brother' wants to watch me can. I have nothing to hide. You sure
  know what I mean ;-)

> Does this sound like a worm of some kind to you all?

Jan, it's not a worm _it's a feature_ (since 11.9.2001)

best regards


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