I installed the iconv .dll file in the program directory but there were a couple of problems I am hoping someone has info that will help me fix them or work around them.

First of all, to view a message in Japanese I have to choose Character set "Chinese" But the subject is still mojibake.

Second, when I type Japanese the subject is fine but the message body is mojibake until I send it. The receiver can read it fine.

I am using Win2k English with Japanese set as the default language which is fine for displaying and writing Japanese in other programs that are Japanese capable.

Am I expecting too much of The Bat! Any ideas about how to fix this?

Robert Kidd
Director, EditFast
The Document Editors
Tel/Fax: Tokyo - (81) 46-255-7027
VoiceMail/Fax: New York - (1) 253-295-9205

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