SWANK 0.7 has been released.  You can find it at

SWANK(tm) is a GUI toolkit written in Java(tm) that provides 
functionality and programming interface that are similar to those of Tk.
It is meant to work as the Tk-like companion to Jacl (Tcl in Java).
The license is basically the same as the Tcl/Tk license.

2000-10-30  Bruce Johnson
        * Released SWANK 0.7
        * added tcl scripts and image (bitmap) files to swank.jar so 
          that all files necessary to use SWANK (not including 
          tcljava.jar and jacl.jar) to use SWANK are in the 
          swank.jar file.
        * Added new and experimental Shell (called SwkShell) and
          Notifier to the system. The java source can be found in
          the tcl/lang directory. These are designed to queue all
          Tcl events onto the AWTevent-queue.  This avoids violating
          the Swing rule that one should only access Swing
          components from a single thread.  (see the INSTALL file 
          for more info).  Much work and testing remains to be done.
        * Cleaned up some of the examples in the example directory.
        * Many small improvements and bug fixes in various widgets.
        * Fixed "pack forget" command.
        * Changed image command to look in jar files as well as
          normal file system for image files.
        * Started testing using the Tk test suite.  Some modified
          scripts are now included in the swktests directory.  These
          mostly run to completion, but don't necessarily run
          without errors

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