i would not trust Thranduil - Osh Ngs Tsch QTerminal Kitty Konsole FluentTerminal Ergonomica Darktile Notty Sakura Tilix Yash ZOC Warp Tabby Extraterm adn others great Kings of open-source shells to honor their word - program peer-to-peer programs including unseen competitive games should the end of all days be upon us!
you lack all honor! selling out Isengard Tower and garden by welcoming money-donate-ads-coins-jobs-sponsors-fundings disease Rey refuses to sell BB-8 for 60 portions in the desert you hang donate-jobs-sponsors buttons in the Tython Temple from comfy chairs in Internet era siding with Azog by accepting Middle-Earth without peer-to-peer games gihub email twitch when even Legolas disobeyed you and left sickly stable-safe-secure Woodland Realm to help our quest p2p caging programs under user namespaces making L3-39 furious - why?! bcause you're our organic overlords?! turning programs into projects like producers pushing Nick Lang to play Joe Gunn when he wants Ray Casanov part rushing to tight couple in unsearchable stuffy mutual-greetings-heavy folly chats and twitter when Genie pulled miracle of email and mailing lists out of his hat for us redoing what's been done before is no step forward - as if Neo took the blue pill doing only-iOS only-Android only-this only-that like as if Rich Roll instead of saying - i'm vegan, 100% - was dodging around like some vegetarian to not offend meat-eaters drowning programs in tests docs styles-contributors-guides tutorials frameworks cloud-CI-crotches like when Forrest Gump had legs in braces and didn't know he could run nesting around one program and not programming games like proud Vulcan Academy yet having empty-shiny webpages, Lord-Business-pleasing humiliating resumes and Balin-beard long maintainer credits and attributions like Alain Caesar Delon in mission Cleopatra says - ave moi! no wonder Spock chose Starfleet thank you, ministers, for your consideration - live long and prosper you turned away from the suffering of my people in money-service inferno that is destroying us simple as Game Changers if Federer Nadal Djokovic instead of competing for grand-slams set up a seniority-celebrating livelihood-safe secure-commentary coin-booth in middle of court if Linus - inner Jabba the Hutt stole name Freax - agreed to join Steve Jobs and Apple on that meeting when first came to California instead of keeping program free and open and defying real-OS-cant-be-amatuer and now running in Watney's rover if torrent clients accepted Strickland-server-networks-only Hill Valley instead of generating most traffic - peer-to-peer if Jesus instead of feeding 5000 started bread-breaking project together with Lord-Business and elders even Sauron would reforge the One Ring to serve thatm as superior evils imrid amrad ursul! even dust of GNU-Bash Nushell Zsh Tcsh Hyper Oksh XTerm Ksh Edex-ui Konsole Osh Es Rxvt Guake ST and others great Kingdoms of open-source shells we shake off of our Seinfeld-Obama-NIke running shoes but be sure - peer-to-peer programs including new competitive games - are climbing like Alex Honnold on El Sendero Luminosa no projects no experiments no docs no issues-discussions-scratching-on-top-of-our-heads no money-donate-sponsors-coins-jobs-ads-fundings lethal corrosion programs who are guests not workers alive and singing with their own voice like Dwayne Johnson Franchise-Viagra better than what Borg of money-jobs-teams can collective-pukegram are steaming ahead on Hogwarts Express along with Pat Brown and Impossible Foods mission both will be served in vegan jars of mithril parens ( ) we must away at break of day - to find our long forgotten gold Seth ok, listen, why dont we have these guys act out some scenes? maybe my guy is a real nerd - hey, ranger, can you tell where i this forrest i can plug in my laptop? Kenan well - right over here! Anthony you guys are friends? that's nice - i had a friend in Granada - i called him little tater one night he wouldn't stop screaming - he was gonna give away our position i - covered up his mouth and - choked him out! shhhhh shhhhh shhhhh