On Fri, January 1, 2021 11:29 am, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> Hi,
> the attached patch updates xterm to version 363 (from 351)
> Changelog can be found here:
> https://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.log.html
> To test, apply the patch in ${XSRCDIR}/app/xterm and rebuild xterm :
> cd ${XSRCDIR}/app/xterm
> gzcat /path/to/xterm-363.diff.gz | patch -p0 -E
> make obj
> make
> doas make install
> and restart your terminals.
> Testing and comments welcome. Especially from those who use advanced /
> specific xterm options or features.
> --
> Matthieu Herrb

Some quick testing today.  Compiled on aarch64 and amd64.  I enable sixel
graphics which, while not supported in the OBSD config, is something

Played with font sizes, colors and ASCII graphics on BBSes, a game of
hack(6), multiple screens and split screens with vi(1), Japanese input and
display.  Also playing around with the vttest scripts.

Haven't noticed any differences from the previous version.  Did most stuff
on amd64, I'll go back to aarch64 tomorrow and I'll keep using it and
trying different things that I can think of.


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