Title: Re: [tech-cord] Mac OS X Seminar in
Isn't May
16th the same day as Jamie McKenzie? And is his showcase
for the whole day?
I recommend hearing Jamie McKenzie.
there be another day for the Mac OS X Seminar? I am
interested in that also and it
would be very helpful to h
Technology Coord./Directors,
I'm on the design team for the AEA 3 & 5 merger. We're trying to get input from
various stakeholders as to what the new AEA should look like and do for us.
Your response to these questions would be appreciated: What is currently being done
that should be continued
The Seminar on Mac OS X that I asked Nancy if she could check on would be a
FREE one day seminar in our area (rather than the one in Clive) so that many
more people could attend. Anyone Interested?
Bill Day
Archived messages from this li
I have read good things about Crocodile-clips for online math, physics and
If you are interested in a free 30-day demo of the math courseware, see
Nancy Movall
Instructional Technology Consultant
Arrowhead Area Education Agency
1235 5th Ave South
Title: Mac OS X Seminar in AEA5
At the request of Bill Day, I have asked if we can host a Mac OS X seminar in AEA5.
Would any of you be interested in this seminar if it were held in AEA5 May 16th?
Nancy Movall
Instructional Technology Consultant
Arrowhead Area Education Agency
1235 5th
Tech Coordinators:
Several of you replied to what I
had posted yesterday but anti-spoofing has prevented me from receiving any of
the messages. If you were trying to send a message to me personally,
please copy and paste into another email and send directly to me.
Title: FYI: Seminar-Mac OS X
Apple K-12 Seminar Series: The Power of Mac OS X for Educators
An Introduction to Apple¹s answer for 21st Century computing. This seminar
will familiarize you with Apple's vision for the w
Palm Devices for PreK-12 Teachers and Administrators
Jun 11 9 a.m. - 4 p.m
(8:00 registration and Exhibits)
Polk County Convention Complex, Des Moines
Registration Fee: $60
Keynote: Elliott Soloway
Featured Speakers: Michael Curtis, Co-author of A Hands-on Guide to
Using Palm Com