Title: November meetings
Just to clarify this month's tech-coord. events:

Nov.15- What You Need to Know about Networking class
Class is from 9:00 - 3:30 PM
Iowa Central Community College
Voc-Tech Building
Room 334

Nov.29- Math and Technology Showcase
This is one of those months that we decided to do the instructional tech. part in conjunction with the math and technology showcase on Nov.29.
Same goes for Feb-  reading tech showcase
March-  Social Studies tech showcase
April- Science tech showcase

Showcase is from 9:00-3:00, Thursday Nov. 29
9:00-11:00      Start at the StarLite with Judd Freeman, DE, talking about math and education and then Susan Dahl, from NCREL and Eisenhower Consortium showing all kinds of great resources they provide to schools.

11:00-12:00     Poster sessions: over 20 exhibits featuring teachers and others showcasing some of the work they are doing with math and technology
11:00-12:00     Lance will host a session on e-rate in one of the hotel conference rooms

12:00-12:45-    Lunch    ($10 registration fee is to cover the cost of coffee and lunch)

12:45-3:00-      Combined meeting of high school principals, curriculum coordinators and  tech-coordinators at ICCC Auditorium.  Judd Freeman will conduct conversation on leadership and professional dev. for 30-45 minutes.  Following this, each group will have an hour or hour and a half to meet on their own for updates, etc.

We have been hearing about the budget crunch and the lack of subs, but if there is any way to get your teachers, principals and coordinators to this event, I think it will be well worth the effort.    Besides, $10 is pretty reasonable for a day of professional development.

See what you can do-  and we appreciate any input you have in encouraging your staff to attend.

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