{Tek-Professionals} Sr Java Developer with Tibco experience

2010-06-03 Thread kevinsmith
Hi, This is Kevin Smith, - Recruitment and Resources from Amzur Technologies Inc. We have an urgent requirement as follows: Please respond with resumes in MS-Word Format with the following details to *kevin.sm...@amzur.com* Full Name : Location : Contact Number : Email : Availability : Rate

{Tek-Professionals} Sr Java Developer with Tibco experience

2010-06-03 Thread Kevin Smith
Send Resumes to kevin.sm...@amzur.com Hi, This is Kevin Smith, - Recruitment and Resources from Amzur Technologies Inc. We have an urgent requirement as follows: Please respond with resumes in MS-Word Format with the following details to *kevin.sm...@amzur.com* Full Name : Location : Conta