Hari ini soal paten kembali jadi topik karena pembelaan RIMM atas
kalah di court dan ada kemungkinan servisnya ditutup. Karena pengguna
mayoritas Blackberry adalah perusahaan dan pemerintahan,dari RS sampai
persh IT,hal ini akan menyebabkan kontroversi paten baru.


Ada paragraph yg menarik untuk disimak dari URL diatas:
- hukum paten di US
- bagaimana mungkin paten dilakukan oleh persh yang tidak membuat
produk ?? jelas akan menghambat perkembangan teknologi.


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The high court's refusal to hear Canada-based Research In Motion Ltd.'s
appeal means that a trial judge in Richmond, Va., could impose an
injunction against the company and block BlackBerry use among many of
its owners in the United States.
The justices had been asked to decide on whether U.S. patent law is
technologically out of date in the age of the Internet and the global

READ THIS ---> At issue was how U.S. law applies to technology that is
used in a foreign country and allegedly infringes on the intellectual
property rights of a patent-holder in the United States.

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In a filing with the Supreme Court, Intel's lawyers said the company
is torn. As an investor of billions of dollars into research and
development, the company is among the nation's leaders in obtaining
patents and wants to protect itself against infringement.

READ THIS ---------->At the same time, Intel also is frequently
accused of infringement and wants clearer rules that protect it from
small patent-holding companies that have little infrastructure and
produce no products.
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