I would suggest to use Bustle (dbus viewer) to see if connection
manager emits Connection.Interface.Requests NewChannels() signal and
(if so) how the signal processed by MissionControl.

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 3:55 AM, Diane Trout <di...@ghic.org> wrote:
>> Is there a TelepathyQt API call to trigger the approver?
>> This is the code I have right now:
>> https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/blob/master/apps/telepathy/SipCal
>> lChannel.cxx#L37
>> Is there something obviously missing?
> I don't know the guts of telepathy to answer that definitively.
> http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec/Channel_Type_Call.html has some
> documentation on the what dbus signals are supposed to be exchanged when
> setting up a call.
> I'm not sure if the TpQt code ends emitting the right dbus signal, but it also
> seems like the set of parameters you're providing isn't as long as what rakia
> was setting up for its call.
> As far as I could tell this is the chunk of rakia that creates a new incoming
> call. (unfortunately against the telepathy-glib binding)
> http://sources.debian.net/src/telepathy-rakia/0.8.0-3/rakia/media-manager.c/#L400
> which then sets up a callback to
> http://sources.debian.net/src/telepathy-rakia/0.8.0-3/rakia/media-manager.c/#L262
> and the constructor in rakia seems more detailed than your code.
> Diane
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