If I have:

perl -MTemplate -MTemplate::Stash -le 
'Template->new({STASH=>Template::Stash->new()})->process(\"Hi. [% 
FOREACH key IN x.keys() %]Key [% key %], [% END 

...one would think, not being familiar with TT, that “x.keys()” is a 
method call.

As many of us know, though, TT looks first at the “keys” item of the “x” 

Even if you do “x.keys(1)”, TT will still treat this as a hash lookup.

It’s not too difficult to teach Template::Stash how to regard the “1” 
argument as an explicit request for a method; however, getting it to 
treat “.keys()” as a method, when there is a “keys” item in the hash, is 
a taller order that appears to require altering Parser.yp.

Has anyone had experience with this? Might there possibly be an RT case 
about this already?


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