Hi Marc,

On 10/2/09 07:34, Marc Sebastian Pelzer wrote:
> thanks for the suggestions! I tried to disable the TT-Cache and also  
> to reset the CGI parameters after each call, but both does not help.  
> It seems like CGI.pm is not compatible with the Catalyst build in web- 
> server.

CGI.pm isn't necessary in Catalyst. What are you actually trying to do ?

[This would be better asked over on the Catalyst list but I know there's
a large crossover]

CGI.pm give you two things as I understand it, firstly query parameter
handling which Catalyst does for you; and secondly html generation.
Since you're here on the TT list I'm assuming you're using all the
badgery goodness of TT to do that.

What do you think CGI.pm is giving you that the two more modern tools
you've chosen are not ?



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