7.1.5 release notes
Decode hex now handles NULL bytes properly
Create valid SQL when an empty array is the value of an IS IN criteria
SQL Server native client will now properly bind values over 8000 bytes to
varchar(max) columns
JDBC data sources will now properly read column names set by th
In this:
Value: <@var request$OrderSummary aprefix="" asuffix='' rprefix="" rsuffix=""
cprefix="" csuffix="" csep="," rsep=";">
You need type=text:
Value: <@var request$OrderSummary aprefix="" asuffix='' rprefix="" rsuffix=""
cprefix="" csuffix="" csep="," rsep=";" type=text>
You can see generated SQL with @SQL and @BOUNDVALS, just output those tags
immediately after the query.
-Original Message-
From: Wayne Irvine [mailto:wa...@byteserve.com.au]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 7:03 PM
To: TeraScript-Talk@terascript.com
Subject: Re: TeraScript-Talk: First time doi