As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at
Next meeting is scheduled for 2013-04-29 at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting. If you have topics you think we should bring up at the
meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks! TOPIC: Previous meeting follow-up ======================================================================= * adamw to send out another call for UEFI testing with TC6 - this was done[1], and we got a good amount of UEFI testing before go/no-go * jreznik to follow up on status of Translations (l10n) test day - jreznik did so, and the event went off well TOPIC: Fedora 19 Alpha recap ======================================================================= * Alpha was signed off and ready to go * adamw created and populated the Common_F19_bugs page[2] * kparal noted the tracker bug aliases are kind of long at present; adamw explained the old-style aliases are only going to be used for F19 as a 'backwards compatibility' measure, from F20 onwards bugs will have only the new-style aliases * There was a vote of thanks to all Alpha testers TOPIC: Fedora 19 Beta planning ======================================================================= * anaconda recently revised how containers (LVM, btrfs) are handled in custom partitioning: we will get some images to do some testing of those changes shortly * The first blocker review meeting was scheduled[3] for 04-24, Beta TC1 for 04-30 * The new-style Beta release criteria still needed to be finished off TOPIC: Test Days ======================================================================= * Power Management Test Day[4] went ahead successfully: the power management team blogged about it[5] * FreeIPA test day[6] seems to have gone ahead and produced useful results * martix was working on graphics test week preparation, adamw would help out with publicity TOPIC: Open floor ======================================================================= * tflink reported that the blocker bug proposal webapp should go into production during the week Action items ======================================================================= * adamw to complete Beta criteria update * adamw to add iscsi test case back to the matrix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora -- test mailing list To unsubscribe: