#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting

Meeting started by adamw at 16:00:17 UTC. The full logs are available at 

Meeting summary
* Roll call  (adamw, 16:00:25)

* Fedora 22 testing status  (adamw, 16:05:24)

* Fedora 22 Change check-in  (adamw, 16:10:57)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1392   (adamw, 16:14:09)
  * Not yet clear if anaconda is intended to be ported to python3 for
    F22: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1392  (adamw, 16:14:21)
  * ACTION: kparal to check in on Preupgrade Assistant feature, what
    testing is desired and how heavily it will be promoted  (adamw,
  * ACTION: roshi and corey84 to try and work up some methodical testing
    plans for dnf  (adamw, 16:39:12)

* Release criteria status  (adamw, 16:41:32)
  * ACTION: adamw to revise the package set criterion proposal again and
    move forward with multiboot proposal  (adamw, 16:44:32)
  * LINK:
    is the server role requirement split proposal  (adamw, 16:45:55)
  * adamw has a proposal to move the specific requirements for each
    server role out of the criteria and into role-specific pages -
    (adamw, 16:47:09)

* Open floor  (adamw, 16:48:20)
  * ACTION: adamw to document 'efibootmgr -n' workaround for failure to
    boot windows from grub with SB enabled (#1170245)  (adamw, 16:55:20)

Meeting ended at 17:00:02 UTC.

Action Items
* kparal to check in on Preupgrade Assistant feature, what testing is
  desired and how heavily it will be promoted
* roshi and corey84 to try and work up some methodical testing plans for
* adamw to revise the package set criterion proposal again and move
  forward with multiboot proposal
* adamw to document 'efibootmgr -n' workaround for failure to boot
  windows from grub with SB enabled (#1170245)

Action Items, by person
* adamw
  * adamw to revise the package set criterion proposal again and move
    forward with multiboot proposal
  * adamw to document 'efibootmgr -n' workaround for failure to boot
    windows from grub with SB enabled (#1170245)
* kparal
  * kparal to check in on Preupgrade Assistant feature, what testing is
    desired and how heavily it will be promoted
* roshi
  * roshi and corey84 to try and work up some methodical testing plans
    for dnf
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* adamw (103)
* roshi (38)
* danofsatx (21)
* kparal (19)
* Corey84 (15)
* pjones (7)
* tflink (5)
* zodbot (5)
* satellit (4)
* nirik (3)
* roshi_ (1)
* mkrizek (1)
* pschindl (1)

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Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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