Howdy y'all!

I am very excited about finally giving back to the 
Fedora community by joining the Bug Zappers team. I have been using some
 form of Unix and Linux since my first station in the US Navy where I 
maintained an HPUX network. I started with RH and Slackware at home back
 in '96, and moved to Fedora Core 2 in 2004. I've dabbled here and there
 with my systems at home, but keep coming back to Fedora. At work, I 
maintain at least one system from each branch (RHEL, Debian, BSD) as 
well as a Windows Active Directory network. I've never quite gotten Open
 LDAP to integrate fully with it, but I'm getting there.

I live 
in San Antonio, TX, USA, where I work in the network and information security 
field. At home, I have a few systems with various OSs, but will be 
concentrating my testing and QA efforts on making Fedora a formidable 
mobile operating system with my laptop, an ASUS G55VW. I will be hanging
 out on Freenode when I can at danofsatx - feel free to find me there or
 here on the list and let me know what I can do to help!

Dan Mossor                                        
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