On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> Geoffrey Young wrote:
> >
> > if apxs is being invoked but isn't available you may have a leftover
> > TestConfigData.pm sitting around which you can safely remove.  or you didn't
> > explicitly pass -httpd or something like that, which you ought to be able to
> > do via t/TEST -conf -httpd /path/to/httpd as well.
> the problem is that there *is* an apxs.pl, but no development
> tools.  apxs came with the installation; the server wasn't built
> on this system.
> i have built the c modules and i'm trying to put them in place
> so the framework will use them without trying to frickin' build
> them.  however, it apparently wants to run apxs even though the
> module binaries exist.  what's triggering that?  why won't it
> use what's there without trying to create them itself?

If you put the compiled modules in place, and then run
'nmake test', is the problem that things get cleaned out
first (erasing the binaries), or that it just tries to
recompile things? On my system (which has VC++), 'nmake
test' first cleans things out, which erases previously built

best regards,

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