This is an Flood 1.1 Announcement draft, posted here for review. A patch for
main index.html noting the release in also included. Please check for typos
and errors.

Please note: Announcement uses old closer.cgi script, because this is the only
method that works right now. If my mirror.cgi patches get commited, I'll
tweak announcement to reference new download system.

How about adding a httpd-dist/flood directory? This looks like a perfecct
place for this announcement. At least better than my private account. Please
somebody commit this in, because I don't have required privileges (I think I'm
getting boring with this :)

Right. Time to T&R FLOOD_1_1 :)

Jacek Prucia
                       Flood 1.1 Released

   The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are
   pleased to announce the second public release of the Flood HTTP load
   testing software. This Announcement notes the significant changes in
   1.1 as compared to 0.4.

   Flood is a profile-driven HTTP load tester. It is a software that is
   capable of generating large amount of web traffic, so you can measure
   performance of your web application. Flood can also postprocess web
   server responses, so you can check your web application for correct

   This version of Flood comes with many new features and bug fixes. A
   summary of changes is given at the end of this document. Most noticable
   addition is recently written user documentation.
   This release is compatible with configuration files created for 0.4 and
   later versions. We consider this release to be the best version of Flood
   available and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.

   Flood 1.1 is available for download from

   Please direct any questions, bug reports and patches to developer mailing

                       Flood 1.1 changes

* Remove .deps code that is just broken for now.  [Justin Erenkrantz]

* Added configversion attribute (root element <flood>) which ties config
  file structure with certain flood version and warns user if there is a
  conflict.  [Jacek Prucia]

* Added attribute responsescript (element <url>), which allows flood to
  delegate response processing to external script.  [Jacek Prucia]

* Change open_socket prototype to return errors.  [Justin Erenkrantz]
* Fix HEAD responses with Content-Length specified being handled incorrectly.
  [Justin Erenkrantz]

* Flood manual (DocBook based).  [Jacek Prucia]

* Added <baseurl> element. When present, it's contents are copied in front
  of every <url> element, which makes relative urllist's possible.
  [Jacek Prucia]

* Added basic auth support. When user and passowrd attributes of <url>
  element are present and non-empty, flood sends auth data with request.
  [Jacek Prucia]

* Added generic_fullresp_recv_resp() to force full response.
  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Fixed compiler warning about signed/unsigned mismatch in generic_recv_resp.
  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Include correct header to import defintion of apr_pstrmemdup in
  flood_socket_keepalive.c.  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Namespace protect expand_param_e enum values to not conflict with Win32
  headers.  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Added error handling for failed config-file open.
  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Fix Win32 crash resulting from strtoll() macro
  [Phi-Long Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Catch some badly formed URLs and exit instead of later crashing.
  [Jacek Prucia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

* Fix tab formatting in some analysis scripts.
  [Reini Urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

--- index.html.orig     2003-09-14 23:23:06.000000000 +0200
+++ index.html  2003-09-14 23:29:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -48,6 +48,27 @@
            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
  <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
   <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
+   <a name="Release"><strong>Flood 1.1 Released</strong></a>
+  </font>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+  <blockquote>
+<p>The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are
+pleased to announce the second public release of the Flood HTTP load
+testing software.</p>
+<p>This version of Flood comes with many new features and bug fixes.
+Most noticable addition is recently written user documentation.</p>
+<p>This release is compatible with configuration files created for 0.4 and
+later versions. We consider this release to be the best version of Flood
+available and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.</p>
+<p>Flood 1.1 is available for download from one of ASF
+<a href="";>mirrors</a>.</p>
+  </blockquote>
+ </td></tr>
+           <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
+  <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
    <a name="Getting"><strong>Getting and using flood</strong></a>

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