David Wheeler wrote:
Hi All,

I expect that there was a reason that these links were created as they were?

% podchecker -nowarnings src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'Writing_Tests' at line 89 in file src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'Using_Apache__Test_to_Speed_up_Project_Development' at line 210 in file src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'Debugging_Tests' at line 756 in file src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'item_extreme_programming_methodology' at line 776 in file src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'Basic_Testing_Environment' at line 3065 in file src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod
src/docs/general/testing/testing.pod has 5 pod syntax errors.

Because really, the POD tools should be able to resolve the links without us having to change everything to underscores. For example, that first one should just be:

  L<Writing Tests|"Writing Tests">

...and then the POD conversion tools should be able to properly find the internal link and do any necessary transformations. Or do they?

Because we use Pod::POM with custom callbacks for generating #fragments. don't use podchecker, use bin/build -l to do links validation. See bin/build -h for more options.

When DocSet, which powers modperl-docs, was written, the podspec was unsatisfactory for many purposes, so custom implementations were done.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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