stas        2004/08/06 11:20:42

  Modified:    perl-framework/Apache-Test Changes Makefile.PL
               perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache TestConfig.pm
                        TestConfigPerl.pm TestRun.pm TestServer.pm
  move the custom config code into Apache::TestConfig, split the config
  object creation in 2 parts - first not requiring the knowledge of
  httpd location, the second requiring one, refactor the custom config
  interactive prompting into the second phase, if failed to find
  httpd. Reshuffle the code to run first bits not requiring the
  knowledge of httpd location.

I had to do some re-shuffling to change the timing of the httpd detection, as a few things were broken. I hope I didn't break anything. Please do extensive testing. Thanks.

(I wish there was a test suite for Apache-Test itself, not the internal tests, but the configuration tests)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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