Geoffrey Young wrote:
As a result of my changes, now the API has two wrappers
Apache::Test::config (full config as before), and
Apache::Test::basic_config, which is the same sans httpd information.
For example to autogenerate t/TEST and other files you don't need to
know anything about httpd, and therefore you shouldn't require users to
supply that info before it's really needed.

one of the things I've tried to do but was never able to get working was
call have_apache within Makefile.PL.  being able to do this would be a nice
way to add a PREREQ_PM-type precondition for building modules that rely on,
say, httpd 2.1.

as a user it doesn't quite make sense why this wouldn't work - Makefile.PL
is getting passed -apxs or -httpd, so you would think that after the call to
filter_args the httpd version would be known.

being able to support something like this, whether automatically or on
command would be really great.  that is, forcing a full configuration before
calling WriteMakefile so that all the standard Apache::Test functions are

Sure, just call Apache::Test::config and voila you have the full config in Makefile.PL. Don't forget that at the moment 99.9% of users will not have that provision of httpd/apxs during Makefile.PL, so you will want to check whether it's provided (and that's not bogus). Otherwise asking for a full config with no httpd/apxs provision will trigger interactive config at the Makefile.PL level, which doesn't sound good at all for the general case.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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