On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 11:30:07 +0200
Ales Privetivy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>     I am sorry to bother you.

No problemo. Flood needs testers, so feel free to post here any problem
you have observed.

> I had downloaded and successfully compiled
> the flood-0.4 -- to this point it is ok:)

You may want get flood (apr and apr-util too) from CVS. There was a lot
of fixes (mainly in apr/apr-util) since flood-0.4 was rolled, so you
might hit on something that already has been resolved.

> I would like to test one site
> which requires user/password authentication. The problem is that I
> don't know how to tell flood to use some user/password for the site
> and all HTTP requests end up on 401 Authorization required.
>     Is it possible somehow?

Well... it is not possible right now. However adding support for basic
user auth is trival, and I'm going to do this unless somebody beats me
first. For now -- please be patient and watch this list for flood-0.5
announce and/or recent CVS commits.

Jacek Prucia
7bulls.com S.A.

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