I wonder if someone has already implemented a custom verify_resp function
which checks if the return code equals to a given (can be different from

Nope. We have only 2 verify_resp functions, and basically they do the same thing.

Currently flood treats any code returned by http request and different from
200 and 3xx as indication of failure. In our testing we would like to send a
request which is expected to return a specific failure code (e.g. 401), and
treat it as a success if and only if the expected code is returned.

I would like to make sure that this function has not been already
implemented before start coding myself.

There is no such function, so you can go on and implement whatever you need. However, it seems a bit weird, that such functionality requires implementing a function. An generic function, that would use a pattern to decide if a request succeded or not, would be great :)

Jacek Prucia

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