[STATUS] (perl-framework) Wed Feb 6 23:45:37 EST 2002

2002-02-07 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
httpd-test/perl-framework STATUS: -*-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2002/02/06 18:57:59 $] Stuff to do: * finish the t/TEST exit code issue (ORed with 0x2C if framework failed) * change existing tests that frob the DocumentRoot (e.g.,

mod_frontpage and chllisoft tests

2002-02-07 Thread Geoffrey Young
hi all... I've been tasked at work with coming up with tests for our webhosting cluster for mod_frontpage and Chilisoft. I was thinking to add them to the perl-framework, alongside the php and other tests, if there is any interest. I figure I would come up with some working prototypes and then