Stas Bekman wrote:

Geoffrey Young wrote:


so, rock on svn.

yes, yes, I'm +1. Thanks for taking care of it.

Don't forget about preserving the frozen cvs though. I have lots of modified files all over.

Yah, the CVS repository will remain for a long time read-only. (don't exactly know what *long* means)

Also we will need to modify some of the sw to work with svn instead of cvs (Makefile(s) and RELEASE notes)

Yes, I am here too, so I volountereed to take care of all the work required to move us over painlessley. It will include:

Fix external svn linkage for Apache-Test/ and docs/
Makefile & Release notes.
Developer documentation cronned building.

Also worth noting, we should be pigning Gerald to plan moving embperl over to the perl svn repos as well.

Oh, and one last thing, the infrastructure people suggested we move the content of the perl-core repos to
commiters/pmc/perl ? Any objections to that as well?

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