Apologies about this request: I'm still running MusiXTeX T.112 rather than
the latest version and so haven't checked this issue "properly". Hopefully
it's a very quick answer for any MusiXTeXnician looking at this!

I hit an unexpected problem placing \startpiece...\endpiece inside a \vbox
in order to prevent TeX breaking the pages between lines of a score (a hymn
tune, in fact). I have after much head-scratching determined that the
problem was that I had no \startmuflex in my document. This resulted in the
message "\startmuflex launched by \startpiece" appearing for every piece of
music in the document (they're all enclosed in their own \vbox'es) and the
results are a disaster (not to mention the number of \inline= requests that
you get running TeX). Placing \startmuflex after \input musixtex was an or
removing the enclosing \vbox'es created instant fixes.

<Dons TeX Grand Master hat> Whatever \startmuflex does, shouldn't it do it
\global'ly given that it's operating on files that will be left open and
updating global document state?

<Dons not-very-good-at-MusiXTeX hat> That said, my major problem with this
was that it took ages to figure out what was wrong - especially given that
the T.112 manual strongly hints that there's no *need* to call \startmuflex.

<Keeps said hat on> Is there a better way of inhibiting page breaks in a
MusiXTeX score or is the \vbox sledgehammer the only way?

Thanks in advance,


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