I don't know if "durn hippie" is a very apt description of the man, or a
fair characterization of his music. "Environmental Conservationist" comes to
mind as a more fair description of what he was doing, in this song at least.
The lyrics posted were from "Face the Fire", off the album Phoenix, 1979.

Fogelberg was a talented man, a writer, musician, and singer. His Captured
Angel album was one of those where the artist wrote everything, sang all the
parts (mostly) and played all the instruments (well, a guest bass player and
drummer). I personally think "Nether lands" was his singular masterpiece,
but several people I know prefer the more folksey "Souvenirs".

I don't know of any cave-related lyrics from Dan though. I do recommend his
music for lounging by the fire on a cold night, or in the truck on the way
to the cave.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: George Nincehelser [mailto:geo...@nincehelser.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:30 PM
  To: texascavers@texascavers.com
  Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - Coal Ash Is More Radioactive than Nuclear

  Just to briefly merge two off-topic discussions, here are some lyrics to a
popular Dan Fogelberg song:

       I hear the thunder three miles away
       The Island's leaking into the bay
       The poison is spreading
       The demon is free
       And people are running from what they can't even see

       Face the fire
       You can't turn away
       The risk grows greater with each passing day
       The waiting's over
       The moment has come
       To kill the fire and turn to the sun

  It was years before I noticed the lyrics were anti-nuclear and pro-solar
and realized Dan was a durn hippie.  I still like the tune, though, and I
admire the way he was able to slip his position in without using any
hot-button words.


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