Government Canyon Karst Project Report


April 2 & 3, 2016


Participants: Lauren DeLeon, Steve Gutting, Leia Hill, Leah Miller, Marvin
Miller, Greg Mosier, Victoria Sommers, Arron Wertheim


Saturday Activities

Greg Mosier, my daughter Leah, and I composed the Saturday team. We headed
up to the northern part of the SNA to the sink that Greg had identified on
the March trip and had opened to an obstruction over a pit. The feature is
called JAG Sink. We worked on it until all of my rock-shaving supplies were
used up, but we still hadn't cleared the bridge of rock over the pit. There
are two small holes that look down into the pit and what can be seen is
free-climbable. Some more work is required. We left JAG Sink at about 4:00
and took a little time to look at several of the other nearby identified
features. On the March trip Greg had looked at FC-009, -010, and -011. Of
these, FC-010 could probably use a little more digging before calling it


Sunday Activities

On Sunday Lauren, Steve, Leia, Victoria, Arron, and I headed north again,
this time to Feature 20-54. This feature is about 56 meters north of JAG
Sink and is a dig that Steve and I had worked during the March trip. Steve
had assembled a rock-shaving kit of his own and was anxious to try it out.
His first shot was a blast and we heard rock tinkling down into the hole -
the sound of success. Leia and I left him and the others to keep working at
it while we went to check out some other identified features in the area. We
dug a little at FC-003 but didn't see anything that excited us and gave it
up. While travelling to FC-015 we came across the nearby FC-014, which I
didn't even have on my list to look at. Both sinks looked promising. At
FC-015 we felt a nice breeze coming out of a little hole. We rolled aside a
large surface rock but the dig quickly revealed an 8 cm wide crack extending
down as far as we could see. By the time we had finished we didn't feel any
more air either, so maybe our first sense had been an illusion. We left that
sink and went back to FC-014. This sink was approximately 2 m long by 1 m
wide by .3 m deep. There was a possible drain at each end. Leia took one end
and I took the other and we both started digging. It wasn't long before
Leia's dig started looking more promising than mine and I went to help her.
We were stopped by a root that was holding in a large rock. We went back to
FC 20-54 to see how the work there was progressing and to get a saw for the
root. When we got there Victoria and Arron were in the cave! Steve had been
the first one down and had already come out. 


The cave turned out to be a free-climbable pit that starts narrow at about a
half-meter wide (after the smaller, blasted entrance) and bells out to about
1.5 m at the bottom. The depth to the floor is about 5 m. A short section of
passage extends only about 2 m from the bottom. The floor is flat dirt and
the ceiling in the passage section is about a meter tall. Some signs of life
were observed: a cliff chirping frog and a spider web. Steve named the cave
Double Shot Drop. Cave # 61 for Government Canyon.


After everyone had exited the cave we packed up and I led the way to the dig
Leia and I had started. We continued digging and by the end of the day had
it about a meter deep. The dig is characterized by large loose boulders
interspersed with smaller rocks and loose dirt. Lauren was the last one
digging and she uncovered a small solution passage trending steeply down
along one wall. The passage is too small to get into as of yet, but the
walls of the sink are starting to bell out and we seem to be on top of a
debris pile.


While the dig was going on I took the drill, a couple of benchmarks, and the
die kit and installed benchmarks at Government Canyon Blow Hole and
Lilyhammer Cave. The numbers incised onto the benchmarks are the TSS Bexar
County identification numbers for the caves. 


We left the sink dig at about 5:00.


The next project weekend is May 21 & 22. This will be the last one until
October. We start at 9:00 both mornings in the parking lot of the
Volunteer/Research Station. To get there enter Government Canyon State
Natural Area at the main gate and then take the first right. (Don't go as
far as the pay kiosk). There will be a closed gate that opens to the code
1234. Follow the road for about a mile till it ends in front of a building.
The parking lot is to the right. Camping is available. Contact me to set it


Marvin Miller

(210) 415-5190






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