I know Lee Jay always wanted to become a Fellow. Despite all he has done
over his caving career, somehow Lee Jay slipped thru the cracks of our
organization. He has spent a lifetime digging, surveying, studying,
assessing, and exploring hundreds of caves across Texas. He discovered one
of the rarest and smallest endangered cave spiders in Texas. Lee Jay was
very well versed on all aspects of caving. I can recall many times in
casual conversation someone would mention a cave and he would just spout
off facts about that specific cave. He selflessly spent time at many TCR’s
and Convention’s manning the TSA store. He was a active board member of the
TCMA. Lee Jay has supported many new cavers in all aspects of caving by
lending, giving gear(caving, camping,lights), sponsoring caving trips, or
convention trips. He was fantastic at giving guidance, knowledge, and being
a shoulder to lean on. If there is one last thing I can do for Lee Jay is
see that he gets the acknowledgement and fellowship he had always longed
for and deserved.

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