Dave and I are putting together a work day at the Ezell's Cave Preserve in
San Marcos on Saturday March 7th at 9am. This work day will be subject to
cancellation if the weather does not cooperate.

We will need folks to patrol the property for litter, help do some light
yard work, and tree trimming. Please bring any weed whackers, chainsaws,
gloves, shovels, etc you have to help get some stuff done. The big project
of the day will be to remove a couch and other odds and ends left by what
is likely some kids. I will need to have someone that can bring a trailer
to get this done, please let me know if you have one and can bring it to
haul this stuff off.

I will be bringing some cold beverages and will probably plan to order some
pizzas or something like that for whoever comes out. Please contact me
directly to confirm that you are coming.

Gregg Williams
Dave Adamoski
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