You are invited to the next virtual meeting of the Underground Texas Grotto
On Wednesday, May 6, at 7:30pm central time. You may join as early as
6:30pm for socializing!  (Set a reminder or add to your calendar NOW!)

Our speaker for the evening will be Ken Bailey who is working on the Big
Bat Cave LiDAR project. With collaboration between The Kentucky Karst
Conservancy (KKC) and Qk4, Inc., the Big Bat Cave LiDAR (Light Detection
And Ranging) project is collecting, mapping and preserving the fifty-sixth
longest cave in the world. It is their primary goal to digitally archive
the cave to know better how to preserve its history.

Cave mapping generally is collected by hand with compass and measuring
tape. Electronic distance meters are being used in cave mapping they are
based on the compass and tape survey methods collecting one data point at a
time. Cave mapping using LiDAR scanning enhances this process by collecting
millions of data points while referencing them horizontally and vertically
in 3D space.

LiDAR 3D scanning technology analyzes environments to collect data in a
point cloud. Digital 3D models of the existing features are then
constructed using software.  For over a year, the KKC and QK4 have been
mapping Big Bat Cave in Breckenridge County, Kentucky with LiDAR.  They
continue to develop their process in collecting and analyzing the
geospatial data and gaining valuable experience below the surface.

The research possibilities in Cave LiDAR mapping are just beginning to be
explored.  Caves have been a preserved record of our past history and
climate conditions.  This LiDAR data set may shed insights into these
paleo-climates and help the KKC preserve the story of Big Bat Cave.

Starting at 6:30pm central time, the Zoom meeting will be open for a social
hour and hosted by our dear friend Mary Hicks
We will begin official business at 7:30pm.

The meeting will begin at 7:30pm central time, Wednesday May 6, 2020, and
directions to join the meeting on the Zoom app are below.

After Ken’s talk, we will have a moderated Q&A - you can use the chat
feature to submit questions as they speak, or ask them yourself after they
finish telling their tales.

Once we've finished with the presentation and questions, you are free to
continue to hang out on the Zoom Meeting again for more social time.

Make sure to check out the ZOOM app before you need to use it that evening!
Post any questions below so that we can help you. (BUT READ THE INFO BELOW

Topic: Big Bat Cave LiDar Mapping project

Time: May 6, 2020 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 731 015 3092

Password: utgrotto

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,7310153092#,,1#,855729# US (Houston)

+12532158782,,7310153092#,,1#,855729# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 731 015 3092

Password: 855729

Find your local number:


We are holding zoom meetings weekly while in Corona Quarantine, because of
the generous offers of cavers from around the country to share their trip
reports, research, and educational tidbits with you! Enjoy it while you can!

 Kara Savvas

UT Grotto Vice Person
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