To speak of eugenics as though it is the ultimate evil is guilt by
association. Just because a deranged evil Nazi perverted and misunderstood a
basic biological concept doesn't make that concept bad. 


Every person who makes a thoughtful decision as to with whom they will have
offspring, and how many offspring they will have, is practicing eugenics.
The entire history of civilization is the result of selective breeding for
intelligence by what came to be known as the "upper" classes. Without them,
and the material progress that they built on the backs of others, we would
all still be living in mud huts while engaged in perpetual warfare with our
immediate neighbors. 


The world is finite. There is only so much space and only so many resources.
We can take the suicidal route and continue to breed, or we can purposefully
limit our numbers. We can limit our numbers by one of two methods. We can
take the "natural route" by allowing starvation, pestilence and warfare do
the good work, or we can make intelligent decisions as to who will be born. 


Regardless of what "woke" academics would have us believe, it is a fact that
human intelligence is to an overwhelming degree a genetically conferred
trait. You can lower a person's intelligence through privation, but you
cannot improve a person's intelligence through education or by any other
such means. Would it be intelligent to select the stupidest among us to
serve as breeders? By allowing nature to take its course that is exactly
what we are doing. 


The bottom line is that Malthus was right!




From: Texascavers <> On Behalf Of Diana
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 2:58 PM
To: DONALD G. DAVIS <>; Robert Wood <>
Cc: Steve Peerman <>; Cave Texas
<>; SWR Cavers Group
<>; Debbie Buecher <>; Diana
Eleanor Northup <>; Penelope Boston
<>; Lee Skinner <>
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] [SWR CAVERS] For vampire bats, social distancing
while sick comes naturally


Except...broken bones are a good example of something that temporarily
weakens an individual but has no genetic link and wouldn't affect evolution
or the genes of offspring.


I believe that most anthropologists correlate the signs of broken but healed
bones in human remains found in burials with a higher level of communal
living (i.e., a properly functioning society where people take care of the
less fortunate).


If it weren't for society, we wouldn't have science and research, and we
wouldn't know anything about genetic diseases, evolution, and new methods to
repair genetic diseases (e.g., CRISPR). Science isn't all good or all bad,
it's how it's used by society that's important.


Beware statements like "humans perpetuate weaknesses in their population
through science" lest people start thinking this sounds like eugenics.





Diana R. Tomchick
Departments of Biophysics and Biochemistry
UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214A
Dallas, TX 75390-8816 <>

(214) 645-6383 (phone)
(214) 645-6353 (fax)


From: <>
< <> > on behalf
of DONALD G. DAVIS < <> >
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 1:28 PM
To: Robert Wood < <> >
Cc: Steve Peerman < <> >; Lee
Skinner < <> >; SWR Cavers
Group < <> >;
Cave Texas < <>
>; Debbie Buecher < <> >;
Diana Eleanor Northup < <> >;
Penelope Boston <
<> >
Subject: Re: [SWR CAVERS] For vampire bats, social distancing while sick
comes naturally 



On Wed, 28 Oct 2020, Robert Wood wrote:

> Yep. In healthy animal populations the sick are actually abandoned and
> to die as their genetic weakness, if perpetuated, weakens the entire
> ation. This is how evolution or natural selection works. It is the law of
> ature. Humans perpetuate weaknesses in their population through
> Rob

        That's the problem I've long seen with vaccination in general.  In
the short term, it's a life-saver.  In the long term, it negates natural
selection for genetic disease resistance.  Which would we be wise to have?


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