An elderly woman 85 years old, fell into a 45+ ft deep pit and was miraculously 
unharmed, after spending nearly 16 hours inside. The cave is in Tamasopo area. 
The name of the octogenarian is Mary Lucas Rodríguez Moreno, who is known for 
the 22 residents of the small population as Luca, "and who lost his footing in 
a natural hole in the ground, shortly after four o'clock on Monday, when it 
came to walking. This pit is used by people in the community as a dumping 
sewage. (google translation).
Espeleo Rescate México was alerted, but it was not necesary to go because the 
rescue was carried out by the Mexican Red Cross and Firefighters from Ciudad 
valles and Rioverde SLP.
Newspaper note: 

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