In cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, Roswell Field Office , and 
the New Mexico Emergency Search and Rescue Council , the Southwestern Region of 
National Cave Rescue Commission of the National Speleological Society is 
conducting an Orientation to Cave Rescue course at the BLM Field House, near 
Fort Stanton, NM on 19 and 20 th of June.   Course starts at 8:00 am, 
registration opens at 7:00.    Enrollment is $35.00.   Checks payable to NSS 
NCRC Southwestern Region .   


The course is designed to provide an overview of variety of considerations 
specific to cave rescue.   It is intended for both cavers and emergency 
services personnel. 


The course is broken into two phases; classroom and field exercise.   Students 
will be provided lecture on topics ranging from cave environment and 
conservation to cave rescue management, medical care, communications and 
patient evacuation.   Students will also participate in packaging patients for 
the cave environment and patient movement techniques. 


The students will also actively apply techniques learned in the classroom 
portion in the mock rescue from an actual cave.   Under the supervision of the 
instructors, students will have to organize and execute a rescue from an actual 
cave.   Opportunities to work in-cave and on the surface will be available. 

Student equipment requirements: 

·          A UIAA or CE approved mountaineering style helmet with three (or 
more) point suspension, and a non-elastic chinstrap 

·          Three sources of light.   At least two must be helmet mountable. 

·          Boots.   Sturdy, rubber soled, non-marking 

·          Rugged clothing 

·          Gloves, leather palm and full finger 

·          Water and water bottle 

·          Small, heavy duty pack 

·          Notebook and pen 


Student optional equipment 

·          Personal technical rescue gear – seat harness, biners, descent 
device, ascending gear, etc. 

·          Small personal first aid kit. 


All equipment should be marked. 


For further information, please contact one of the following individuals: 

Pat Seiser , Lead Instructor, 575-361-2283 

Tom Bemis , Course Coordinator, 575-361-4572 

Mike Bilbo , Cave Manager, BLM, 575-420-7121 

Bob Rodgers , NCRC Southwestern Regional Coordinator, at , 


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