Fritzi Hardy followed up with this message:

Duke, please send this on to the caver net.

More news about Robbie.  Things are not as grim as we first thought.
Yes, he has prostate cancer and months, maybe a year or so to live.
However, his spirits are great, he is on good pain meds, and although
slightly incoherant (the pain meds do this to you) would still like to 
talk to people.

Call him at 303-837-7111 and ask for him by name.  He wasn't sure when
he would be leaving the hospital but his medical problems/crisis seem to
be resolving and he is doing better.  He is in a private room and can 
see visitors at any time if he is not sleeping/resting.


The law of unintended consequences cannot be repealed
even by the government.           -- John De Armond
Duke McMullan n5gax nss13429rl(fe) (505)255-4642

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