PBSS Meeting February 09, 2010

The meeting opened at precisely 1900 and the "new" gavel continues to operate efficiently and effectively.

Attendees: Bill Bentley, Walter Feaster, Kerry Lowery, Tony Abernathy, Kel (notes) and Jacqui Thomas

Treasurer Bill reported that the treasury holds $731.40, with $20 of that being petty cash.

Old Business and New Business: Jacqui gave an Amazing Maze trip report, basically a retelling of the Hole News report but without pictures.

Don't forget the Five Mouth dig trip the last weekend in February (weekend of the 27th). We came up with a couple of alternate camping plans (back home Saturday night, Thomas' house.) in case of seasonably cold weather.

Jacqui called the landowner for Abyss and he's fine with a trip but we need to work around lambing and spring turkey season. (Turkey season ends 02 May). Trip to be announced but anyone even remotely interested in seeing Abyss needs to be vertically competent. Seriously.

Kerry reported that there is an Outdoor Expo being held soon in Midland and it may be the kind of event lending itself to a booth, perhaps in combination with the Permian Basin Outing Club (PBOC). Kerry will investigate.

We talked a bit about our May 8th Carlsbad rock haul and Bill will check to make sure we're still good for that date. Jacqui will look into the possibility another Amazing Maze trip.

The meeting was closed gavelly at 1943


Jacqui Thomas from notes by Kel Thomas

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