Received this from Keith Wheeland, the NSS board's Internal Organization (us) liason. Jacqui

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 1:19 PM
Subject: NSS IO INFO January 2011

 Hi IO member,

Happy New Year from the IO Committee.

You are receiving this message because you are one the Contacts for your IO. Please make sure this message reaches the correct persons in your IO. Or distribute it to all members of your IO. This newsletter is a vital link in the communications chain within the NSS. This email is also being sent to those who are on the supplemental mailing list maintained by the IO Committee.

I've reprinted the COG message from the NSS President.

There are five items in this copy of the IO INFO.
1) Nominating Committee Seeks Director Candidates for Board
2) Karst Education Researcher needs Input
3) COG message from NSS president
4) IO annual Report reminder (Due during January for the calendar year 2010)
5) Notes from the NSS Membership Committee.

*1>>>>>Nominating Committee Seeks Director Candidates for Board *

The NSS Nominating Committee is looking for NSS members in good standing as director candidates for the 2011 Board of Governors election. In accordance with the NSS Bylaws, associate, family associate, and institutional members are exempt from the right to serve on the Board, as is any incumbent completing two contiguous full terms as director. NSS members possessing professional experience in business management, budget analysis and development, advertising and marketing, fund raising, and strategic planning are valuable in the business operations of the Society. Elected directors should have good interpersonal skills and welcome the opportunity for interaction with their fellow members regarding current NSS issues and upcoming Board votes. In 2011 the NSS director election will fill four board seats, each for a three-year term. Elected persons will take office Monday, July 18, 2011, at the NSS Convention in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. In addition to a photo, nominees are required to submit a summary of biographical information and a platform statement. Detailed requirements for photo and platform submission will be sent at the time a candidate’s eligibility is verified and one is approved as a nominee. Candidate photos and ballot statements will be published on the Nominating Committee Web page linked from the NSS Web site as well as on the official election mailing or e-mail. Receipt deadline for nominee ballot submissions is February 1, 2011.
The members of the NSS Nominating Committee are:
Allan Weberg, 703-490-4882, <mailto:?subject=> (Chairman)
Sarah Richards, 703-201-6909, <>
Susi Weston, 703-901-9667, <>
2>>>>Karst Education Researcher needs Input
My name is Leslie North and I am working on my dissertation at the University of South Florida focusing on karst education across the globe. The focus of my research in gaining an understanding of /informal/ karst education, which is education that occurs outside of formal school settings. Thus, my purpose for emailing is to ask for your assistance in understanding all of the cave and karst education opportunities geared towards the general public (show cave tour content, exhibits, programs, signs, talks, brochures, festivals, scout activities, etc.) that you may be aware. Any specific information you could provide would be so greatly appreciated. I am very interested to learn about all of the educational opportunities in an effort to fully explain karst education in the U.S., its challenges and successes. If you have information about this subject from abroad I would also be interested in hearing of it. If you know of somebody else I should contact please forward this email or pass along his or her email address to me, I would like to gather as much information as possible.

Specifically, I'm interested in efforts that your IO has pursued recently and/or any data that may have been collected as part of your positions. If you know of any specific approach which may be used to gather this information (survey, email, for example) please let me know.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. If you prefer to also talk via telephone that will be fine as well.

Leslie North
University of South Florida
Department of Geography and Environmental Science and Policy, NES 107
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
USA, Tampa, FL 33620
3>>> COG message from the NSS president.

Hello all Members of the Congress of Grottos,

It is my sincere hope this communication finds all our NSS Members happy and well in the New Year of 2011. I’m sure most of you heard "Auld Lang Syne," at the stroke of midnight and celebrated the first few minutes of this brand new year in the company of family and friends. Maybe you also brought in the New Year by eating certain customary food items on New Year’s Day. Consuming black-eyed peas are considered "good luck" by many. Eating cabbage, which is representative of paper currency, is another good luck vegetable in many cultures. Another important custom around this time of year is the New Year's Resolution, which is a commitment <> that someone makes to a project, or the reforming of a habit <>, and often a lifestyle <> change that is generally interpreted as beneficial.

This 2011 New Year I’d like to propose a New Year's Resolution that will prove beneficial for our organization. I believe the NSS has gotten into a bad habit and we need to implement a lifestyle <> change to bring about a beneficial change. There has been a noticeable decrease in the participation of the individual Grottos of the Congress of Grottos in the last few years. The Congress is a mere shell of itself and not the influential, active, relevant, and respected body that it has been in years past. Considering current events like the devastating White Nose Syndrome (WNS), and the establishment of a new NSS Headquarters, it is crucial that we achieve more involvement from all our members and especially our Internal Organizations. I have described the problem that needs to be resolved, and I hope to offer a solution, and that will hopefully bring a desired outcome to fruition.

The solution to our dilemma is to turn apathy into activity. I propose we turn things around this 2011 New Year and make the effort to take more of an active part in our local NSS Internal Organizations. Let’s energize our Grottos, Regions, Sections, and particularly the Congress of Grottos by getting involved this year at home, and at the national level. I would like to see the Congress in full swing and with maximum participation in Colorado at Convention this year. You have an NSS President that has taken great interest in your work and has made the effort to attend your meetings and implement your proposed action items. The Board of Governors is listening to the Congress and has become accustomed over the past few years to addressing the issues presented by the Congress. And, I am working with your new Congress Chairman Carol Jackson to implement improvements we have both identified. With all the current cooperation going on, there has never been a better time to be involved than right now!

The outcome of our cooperative effort will be a strengthening and improvement of our NSS organization at this critical time. We are working on the Congress Webpage within the NSS Website to make valuable information more readily available to everyone. A "front and center" Webpage will help promote the COG, and will demonstrate the Society's position that the Congress is an important entity that provides precious feedback to the Board of Governors and the entire NSS. I have a motion that will align the Congress under my President’s Department to better facilitate communication with the Internal Organizations by providing Congress agenda’s, minutes, motions and Board responses in my President’s Reports. This method of officially achieving the essential Congress documentation has never been available before. So, there are a lot of improvements being implemented that will promote better communication.

Gordon Birkheimer, NSS President

4>>>IO Annual Report reminder (Due during January for the calendar year 2010)

Thanks to all of you who have submitted your IO Annual Report. It is encouraging to see such a good early response. To see if your IO has submitted its report, please visit the IO web site, specifically here.

To submit the report, log into using your Serial number and password. I encourage IOs to write down the password and keep it in the grotto folder. The serial number can always be found on the IO web site. If you forgot the password, just contact me. After you have logged in, verify everything and make corrections. If you have been updating the record as changes occur in your IO throughout the year, it should be as essy as verifying the information and clicking on SUBMIT.

***Please double check the email addresses that you provide.
***Please verify that all your officers and board members are current NSS members by going to the NSS website, and clicking on SEARCH, then on the next page, click on MEMBER SEARCH and follow instructions.
Keith Wheeland
5>>>> Notes from the NSS Membership Committee.

Has the Holiday Season brought out the generosity in you? Are you looking for a way to make a difference? Then please consider becoming an NSS Conservation Life Member. A Conservation Life Membership is a Regular Life Membership plus an additional $1000 that is applied specifically to NSS conservation and education programs and activities. And giving just got easier. The NSS office now allows this $1000 payment to be paid over the course of 5 years. Your extra contribution will go a long way towards supporting our primary goal – preserving and protecting caves and karst, and it is a great way for Regular Life Members to offer continued support. Memberships make great gifts, too! [ed. note] Please contact the NSS office to make arrangements for Conservation Life membership.

Bonny Armstrong #43003RL

Keith D. Wheeland, NSS 2878
NSS Director&  IO Committee Chair
2191 Mt. View Ave
State College, PA 16801-7214
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IO Annual Report and updates:

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