Hi all,
Here is the latest information that I have on the status of the two cave 
poisitions in the Lincoln National Forest (LNF).
Cave Technician GS 5/7/9  They have finally completed the rewrite of the SKE 
portion of the job discription and the position will be advertised toward the 
end of this month with a goal of having someone hired and in place by Early 
April of this year.  This individual will be didicated full time to caving 
related efforts.  The rewrite efforts were to insure that the selected 
individual has caving experieince and knowledge.  This person will be assigned 
t the Guadalupe District office in Carlsbad.  This will be the first time in 
eight years that the Forest Service has had a full time "cave" position in the 
Regional Cave Specialist GS7/9/11  This position has been put on hold for 
financial reasons.  With the loss of Jacque Buchanan to push for this position 
there is probably little chance that it will ever be filled.  Region Three 
management is skeptical of the requirements for cave related positions to start 
with and the current budgetary "crisis" is a handy excuse not to fill the 
position.  There was also some disagreement on where the position should be 
located; Carlsbad or another location.
Other developments:
The agreement between the SWR and the LNF to conduct monitoring trips to the 
various caves has been finalized and is ready for signature.  That means that 
we can soon move on to the planning phase of which caves need effrorts and what 
the efforts will be for each cave.  Once we have a plan, I will be sending out 
notices requesting volunteers (from the list) to perform the trips and perform 
the needed activities.  The initial trips wil probably be bat related, but the 
plans are still to be formulated.
Region Three of the FS has not, as of yesterday, come up with a plan for 
dealing with caves, cave closings, etc related to WNS.  While the local office 
had told me that they would be closing three caves due to bats and WNS (fears) 
they have not yet done so.  The caves that they had planned to close were 
Cottonwood, Hidden and Sentinel.  However, because they have not recieved any 
directive from Region Three the caves remain open and they will not be opening 
any other caves for recreational caving until they have clarification where 
Region Three management is going.  I had been told that Region Three was going 
to leave the cave closure determinations up to the local districts, but 
apparently the local districts have not been informed of that.  The biggest 
problem that I foresee is that, if, or I should say when, the first bat with 
anything that looks like WNS is found in NM, they may close everything as a 
knee jerk reaction.  A single bat in Oklahoma caused an incredible 
over-reaction last year in areas to the north and west of there.

As I learn of new developments I will attempt to keep you informed.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - It's about dancing in the 

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