This is an advertisement for a small number of open spots for the UT Grotto
PEP trip to Conrado Castillo in Mexico. This trip is coming up VERY SOON.
Our previous transportation problems have been solved, and we have a couple
spots available.

a. you have at least a little survey experience before
b. you have a valid passport
c. you are willing to do vertical and wetsuit trips
d. you can bring your own food and support yourself for a week
e. you want to spend a week exploring Mexico's longest dry cave!!

Send me an email if you're interested! Additional trip details on the UT
grotto calendar.

(request: Please change the subject of the email in reply, because that way
I am guaranteed not to ignore it. Yes, it is true, sometimes I don't always
look at emails that begin with [Texascavers]. )


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