Q&A: Could a recently discovered lava tube "skylight" be used as a lunar base? 
Discovery News finds out by asking co-investigator Dr. Carolyn van der Bogert...

One of the key questions when we eventually return to the Moon will be: where 
are we going to live? Perhaps one solution has just presented itself in the 
form of a hole in the lunar surface, possibly leading to a hollow lava tube. 
This natural formation is known as a "skylight" and up until now little was 
known about where they are located and how many there are.
A Japanese team headed by Junichi Haruyama has analyzed data from the JAXA 
Kaguya mission to find these holes in the ground, and after two years of 
searching, they've found one in the Marius Hills region of the Earth-facing 
side of the Moon. The skylight is approximately 60 meters wide and it provides 
a tantalizing glimpse into what could be a future target for manned lunar 
Carolyn van der Bogert, a co-investigator from University of Münster in 
Germany, has kindly taken the time to answer a few questions from Discovery 
News about this fascinating skylight and what it could mean to the 


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