
As you all know, the TSA winter meeting will be held in conjunction with the 
Colorado Bend State Park project on January 12th.  Several cavers around the 
state have expressed interest in my Cave Radio in the past.  This is a beacon 
cave radio for locating points on the surface above a cave passage.  It is not 
for voice communication.

During the January project weekend, I will have my radio with me and I will 
give a real demonstration of it's use on Saturday morning.  We are looking for 
a sinkhole above one of the high domes in Gorman Creek Crevice and we will use 
the radio to make the determination if one of the sinkholes is above one of the 
high domes in the cave.  This will be a practical exercise in the radio.  If 
you are interested, let me know the Saturday and you can take part in the 

See you in a couple of weeks,

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