The Cave of the Crystals is not 70 m in diameter. It is more like 20 meters in diameter. See the map in AMCS Activities Newsletter 30. The original publication of that map in the Italian national caving magazine and the reprint of the map in the NSS News both had the wrong scale on the map. I noticed the problem, because the scale was inconsistent with statements in the text. (Some editors are more fussy than others.) So far as I know, the only published detailed map with the correct scale is in the AMCS. Nevertheless, even the erroneous scale didn't make the room anywhere near 70 meters in diameter. The Italian La Venta group has exclusive rights to study the cave, I think, and a thing called SpeleoResearch & Films on Mexico City has exclusive media rights. My impression is that SpeleoResearch & Films is just a Mexican front for the Italians. While numerous photos from various sources keep turning up, it is by no means "open to the public." -- Bill Mixon
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