
The conventions the last 2 years, and likely the convention this year, have 
been fun and well attended and there's no issue with that location for this 
year whatsoever. Props to you for doing what you can given your many time 

I find it amusing and ironic that there have been so many emails regarding the 
potential sites for 2016 and hypothetical changes when this years convention 
has yet to happen (and few want to discuss that!) and we certainly haven't had 
this many people email us offering us to help with the 2015 convention.  I was 
kinda wondering about attendance bc I haven't heard much chatter about it until 

Given this sudden storm of interest I'm excited to see all these new faces step 
up and get involved....there will be another open position in 2016 because this 
is my last year as Speaker Coordinator also. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 10, 2015, at 2:38 PM, Roger Moore ( via Texascavers 
> <> wrote:
> There is certainly going to be an opportunity for a decision on a new site 
> for 2016. I found searching for suitable locations too cumbersome from a 
> Houston base, despite offers to assist in the process. So I have stayed with 
> CWAN as a know entity for all three of my terms. But I've found that sale of 
> my company, combined with continued employment with my company as President 
> has changed my role in many ways that have diminished my control of my time 
> during the work day, which is when I previously got a lot of TSA business 
> accomplished as Vice Chair and previously working with Mallory on speaker 
> scheduling.
> So I will definitely not be a candidate for Vice Chair in 2016. People need 
> to start thinking about stepping up for this office in the next term now.
> Roger G. Moore
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Crash Kennedy via Texascavers <>
> To: CaveTex <>
> Sent: Fri, Apr 10, 2015 10:48 am
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] CaveTex: TSA Spring convention
> TSA Spring Convention planning is always the responsibility of the Vice 
> Chair, currently Roger Moore.  Run for office, nominate someone else, or at 
> the very least vote for officers if you want change.  In general, the 
> membership is pretty apathetic about things like that. 
> Crash 
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Don Arburn via Texascavers 
>> <> wrote: 
>> I too have heard from Rocksprings, they'd love us to have s convention 
>> there, it would be an awesome chance to speak with locals. I mentioned this 
>> before (as has Geary), but the TSA made other plans. CWAN IS a great venue, 
>> no question, but we are missing a good chance to find leads out there.
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