It seems as if several folks have not been able to open/download attachments to 
the mail list, so here is the text cut directly into an email. It does loose 
the formatting, so the original DocX file is also attached. Please distribute 
this to other folks who have experienced Herb and Jan.  Thanks.



Jan Conn

Request for Stories and Remembrances

By Dwight Deal, Dennis and Penny Knuckles, and Daryl and Cheryl Stisser

It will embarrass Jan terribly to read this and know that I have told the whole 
world that she will turn 97 this spring!  Congratulations Jan, for being, along 
with Herb, inspiration for generations of climbers and cavers. You have helped 
us all to a better and more enjoyable understanding of the world around us.

Many of you have heard that Herb and Jan’s cozy but simple dwelling, Conn Cave, 
burned to the ground Monday afternoon, January 25, 2021. The probable cause was 
flammable materials too close to a small wood-burning stove. It was still 
daylight and Jan and her cat, Vixen, escaped without injury.

Lots of folks want to know what they can do to help out.  At this time Jan has 
everything she needs and is OK financially.  Jan has a circle of local friends 
who have rallied to the occasion. Two special families, Daryl and Cheryl 
Stisser and Dennis and Penny Knuckles, are providing wonderful support for Jan 
and a place for her to live.

Daryl and Cheryl Stisser are long-time friends of Herb and Jan through their 
climbing.  From 2006 to mid 2020 the Stissers ran the rock-climbing school at 
Sylvan Lake (in the Needles) and at Devil’s Tower National Park. They have a 
nice home a short walk through the woods from Conn Cave.  Jan is now living in 
their spare bedroom.

Dennis and Penny Knuckles are retired Park Service folks who live a few miles 
from the Conn Cave and the Stissers.  Dennis and Penny came to Jewel Cave a few 
years after I left the area. Herb and Jan enticed them into the exploration 
effort where their many years of shared experiences began. Dennis and Penny are 
helping Jan with “public” chores in town as all three of them have had their 
COVID shots.

Daryl writes:

“Jan and her kitty Vixen escaped unharmed and are now staying with Cheryl and 
me here in a room that was built with her in mind.  While this was not the way 
any of us expected it to happen, at nearly 97 years old it is a new chapter in 
Jan's adventure and she is much more positive about her situation than you 
would expect. It is great to be able to share modern comforts and be of company 
to Jan.  In Jan's words ‘the Conncave was fun while it lasted’.

Her needs are simple and her small carbon footprint inspiring.  She may not yet 
admit to liking it here, as she is adjusting to a big change in independence. 
Jan does not express any desire to venture outside in the cold as she would 
have had to endure several times a day over at her place.  So she does seem to 
enjoy some of the perks of the new situation.

Dennis writes:

”We’re slowly getting her identification and legal documents in order.  We 
asked her to give up driving (her expression of independence) for her sake and 
many others.  So now it's a little bit like "Driving Ms Jan", getting her to 
the clinic, going to the bank, and shopping for groceries (snacks). She hits 
the ground "running", grabs a shopping cart and occasionally looks back to see 
if she's "lost the kid" somewhere around the dairy section.  When we visit her 
favorite rock formations, she’s still planning out the best route to the top!  
Spending any time with her in whatever form it takes is precious!

Daryl continues:

“If you're interested in helping, one thing to do is write her a letter.  
Letters were always the way the Conns loved to keep in contact.  With many of 
Jan's friends already dead there is lots less mail than there used to be.  This 
lost art of the written word that arrives in the form of a letter makes Jan 
light up.  When the mail arrives, it is as though a teenager is getting their 
cell phone back after being without it for a week.  She immediately sifts 
through it and it's like an old school form of getting 'Phubbed.'

Since the decades of journals were lost in the fire, we are specifically asking 
folks to share stories (with approx. dates if possible) of their experiences or 
adventures with Jan and Herb.  Even if you met the Conns in passing or were 
inspired by a presentation at a convention or Grotto meeting, or just saw them 
out and about or their story or lifestyle had an effect on you, please jot it 
down or type it up and share it.  We will get it to her and would like to 
collect these things in some sort of volume to recreate a little of the record 
that was lost.  If you have a copy of a letter from Herb and Jan (Herb typed up 
a lot of the longer ones, but both shared the writing), consider sending her a 
copy.   All written memories were lost in the fire.

If you have crawled through Jewel or Wind Cave you have shared a space with the 
Conns.  While Jan sometimes humbly comments on how odd it is to receive mail 
from people she doesn't really know or remember, it is always well received.  
Often a story results, and there is a good chance, as time allows, you will get 
a return letter from her, so please include your contact info.

Covid19 has complicated much of this transition, and we have had to adopt old 
folks home rules of no visitors.  We hope you understand and respect this.  It 
sounds like it will be a while before Cheryl and I can get the vaccine so in an 
effort to avoid needing to move Jan somewhere else if we got sick, we are 
doubling down on not catching it.

Contact info:

Jan Conn

24878 Rocky Road

Custer, SD 57730

Snail Mail is best, but we set up an email account for her and will check it 
and print things out for her.

Dwight just received a letter from Jan, where she writes

“If life consisted only of what we planned it could get pretty dull. It’s the 
unexpected that gives life it’s punch. Who would go caving if we already knew 
what was around the next turn?”

We would like as many of you as possible to send your stories, anecdotes or 
remembrances of any adventures you may have had with Herb and Jan. It doesn't 
have to be actual cave trips; it could be a reflection on how the Conns 
inspired you to pursue caving or climbing. Have you used their Apple-Logan 
Bread recipe? Have you heard Jan gargle/yodel through one of her caving songs? 
We're trying to collect as many of these recollections before May 1st but they 
are welcome anytime. The Conn's have touched quite a few lives over the years 
in so many ways.  She'd be surprised to find out just how many.

Dwight, Dennis, Penny, Daryl, and Cheryl

Attachment: 1-FINAL Jan Conn for NSS NEWS 2-19-2021.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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