Soon the bats will have left for regions south and the first weekend for the 
Endless Cave Restoration Project will be here. 

October 24 & 25Th are the dates for the first permit. Sign up now and  help get 
this wonderful cave back to being open for visitation............ I still have 
room for 3 to 4 people.

There are other dates, but in order to satisfy the wishes of the BLM, we need 
to have ALL permits full. Your manpower is needed to complete the work! And 
it's not all work and no play...... We will have other caving available when  
Lodging available for out of towners if you wish to not camp at McKittrick 

Contact me via email: 
or call me
575 - 887 - 9783 (H)
575 - 885 - 7727 (W)


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