
This is a reminder about the Brown Bag Lunch today.
I have been contacted by a few folks that can't attend this presentation. I'm 
sorry but we're not set up to record the Brown Bags but Bruce has offered to 
talk with people that are interested. He can be reached at<>

Hope to see you there.


Edwards Aquifer Philosophical Society -

aka brown bag luncheon

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 11:55 AM.

Carbon-14 (14C) and Abundances of Deuterium (D) and Oxygen-18 (18O) along 
Groundwater Flow Paths of West Texas Bolson Aquifers as Indicators of 
Post-Pleistocene Warming

By Bruce K. Darling, Ph.D., P.G.


Edwards Aquifer Authority
Training Room
900 E Quincy Street, San Antonio, TX 78215

Dr. Bruce K. Darling will make a presentation titled: Carbon-14 (14C) and 
Abundances of Deuterium (D) and Oxygen-18 (18O) along Groundwater Flow Paths of 
West Texas Bolson Aquifers as Indicators of Post-Pleistocene Warming." 
Wednesday, February 15, 2016 at 11:55 AM. The presentation will be held in the 
Training Room at the Edwards Aquifer Authority, 900 E. Quincy Street, San 
Antonio, Texas. These are informal presentations so please feel free to bring 
your lunch. You may also contact the EAA at 210.222.2204 or<> for additional 

If you are traveling a long distance for the talk, I would recommend that you 
call our receptionist at 210.222.2204 that morning to make sure that the talk 
is still scheduled.  On very rare occasions, we have had to cancel or move the 
talk.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Carbon-14 (14C) data from hydrogeologic studies in western Texas and 
southeastern New Mexico indicate that groundwaters of the region range in age 
from modern to late Pleistocene, with oldest apparent (uncorrected) residence 
times of 15,000 to as much as 30,000 years. The use of 14C in groundwater 
age-dating studies, however, is complicated by geochemical processes which 
render the isotope unreliable as an estimator of absolute age. These include 
dilution of 14C by interaction with Cretaceous and Permian carbonate rocks, and 
mixing of old and young groundwaters in dual-porosity systems.

We present an indirect approach to the problem of estimating residence time 
based on the integration of 14C with deuterium (D) and oxygen-18 (18O) - 
water-cycle stable isotopes with known temperature-fractionation gradients.  
Confined groundwaters of southeastern New Mexico and the Southern High Plains 
have been documented to be more depleted in D and 18O than unconfined waters. 
The lower δD-δ18O ratios of the confined waters have been attributed to the 
effects of depletion from heavier precipitation and/or lower temperatures of 
the late Wisconsinan glacial period.

In the Eagle Flat and Red Light basins (Hudspeth County) of the West Texas 
system of bolson aquifers, we have found groundwaters to be increasingly 
depleted in D and 18O along flow paths between basin margins and basin centers. 
 The depletion corresponds well with decreasing 14C measurements reported as 
percent of modern carbon (PMC), with increased depletion of D and 18O occurring 
at 15 PMC and lower.  We postulate that the association between δD-δ180 and 14C 
may constitute a semi-quantitative basis for differentiation of late 
Pleistocene and Holocene recharge dates, and that the trend toward younger 
waters more enriched in D and 18O is a reflection of a warming and increasingly 
arid regional climate over the last 10,000 to 11,000 years.  Furthermore, based 
on the range of lightest to heaviest δ180 ratios in groundwater, we estimate 
temperature differences of 5.5 to 7.5°C between the late Pleistocene and modern 

Bruce K. Darling, Ph.D., P.G., has 35 years of experience as a geologist and 
geochemist in the energy and environmental industries.  He is a Senior 
Consultant with Geosyntec Consultants, Austin, Texas.
Thank you.



Geary Schindel

Director/CTO, Aquifer Science<>

210.222.2204 ext 346

900 E Quincy
San Antonio, TX 78215


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