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From: ICS 2009 eList <>
Date: July 9, 2009 1:53:44 PM CDT
Subject: 15th ICS – New presentations

Dear Friends,

The 15th International Congress of Speleology (ICS) begins in only 10 days, on Sunday, 19 July 2009. This message gives you an important reminder and some news:

In an earlier message I wrote that the closing Sunday of the ICS, 26 July, will have two new sessions where you can share exciting news that was not available in time for the formal sessions and symposia. If you have such news and want to give a talk about your results, contact Dr. Bill Stone ( if you want to schedule presentations about exploration. He will co-organize the session with Rob Eavis of the UK. Earlier I wrote that you should contact me to schedule presentations about science and management, but now contact Dr. Hazel Barton ( She will co-organize that session with Dr. Augusto Auler of Brazil. Give them the title of your talk and how much time you need (40 minutes maximum). Also, check the Information Room at the ICS (located next to Registration) where you can also sign-up to give a talk, but by then there may not be any space on the schedule so contact them as soon as possible.

Many of you have told me how impressed you are you are with the ICS schedule. If you haven’t seen it yet, please visit our website, . You will be amazed at everything the ICS offers and the incredible value and opportunity it presents. NSS Members, one final reminder, the ICS is longer than an NSS Convention alone and lasts from Sunday the 19th through Sunday the 26th. You won’t want to miss any of it!

By the time you read this message, I will have left for Kerrville to meet other members of the Organizing Committee to prepare the site for you. If you try to reach me or others on the committee between now and the ICS, please remember that we will be traveling, working, and may be slow or unable to respond.


George Veni, Ph.D.
Chairman, 15th International Congress of Speleology
Adjunct Secretary, International Union of Speleology
Executive Director, U.S. National Cave and Karst Research Institute

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