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From: "Simon, Beth A -FS" <>
Date: December 13, 2013 12:27:26 PM CST
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Exciting New Film: "Battle for Bats"

Dear Cave and Bat Enthusiast,

You may find some interest in our new film, “Battle For Bats: Surviving White Nose Syndrome,” produced in partnership by the USDA Forest Service, Ravenswood Media, and the National WNS Communication and Outreach Working Group. This 14 minute film focuses on bats as fascinating animals that are vital to our environment, the reality that we are rapidly losing millions of our bats to WNS, how state and federal agencies and NGOs are working together to combat the disease, and how to inspire the public to become involved in bat conservation and the fight against WNS. Please feel free to link or embed the film on your site and/or spread it through your listserves and social media. Our goal is to have this video shared as much as possible in order to get the word out about this devastating disease. We appreciate your help in getting the word out about this film and WNS. The recently updated video can be found at

Beth Simon
AFHA AmeriCorps
Monongahela National Forest
200 Sycamore Street
Elkins, WV  26241
(304) 636-1800 ext. 169

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